Hi Melissa!
Just writing to tell you just how much we are enjoying our Lexi. She is so smart and so sweet, we love her so much! Growing like a weed! On our second kennel already! Seems like she has always been here. We enclosed our large deck with mesh so she can play out there if she wants and she has a little neighbor friend (Mocha) that comes over to play every day! Here is a somewhat recent picture. She is hard to take pictures of because she doesn't hold still long enough! LOL
Everything is going great! She is a joy and has made herself at home. She can sit and shake. We laugh so hard at her sometimes! She poops outside and pees outside most of the time. We mostly walk around the house and yard, at least until she gets use to walking on a leash. She walks good when there is another dog to walk with.
She is starting to learn to fetch and bring it back.
Feels like she has been here for a lot longer than 4 days. In a good way, I mean that. She seems very happy and has adjusted well. We love her so much!
She loves her toys!! She actually plays with them too! She really enjoys them! .
Well, thank you for all your hard work and e-mailing all this valuable information. It is much appreciated! Really nice to know that you are "only an e-mail away"
Hi Melissa!
Right now she is resting by my feet. She seems very content. We just had a vigorous game of fetch. She actually will bring the object back to me now to throw again. I took her out a couple of times during the night and will gradually ease back on that. Like you said, they can only hold it for a couple of hours. When she cried I wasn't sure what she wanted so I assumed she had to go potty. She ate and drank when we got home and then again this morning, you are right. GOOOOOD Appetite! She has also pooped this morning. That was very healthy! She is a smart and very awesome dog! Like you said, they thrive on praise! Lexi has adjusted very well and her favorite toy is the cat toy with balls hanging from it. Something my cat never ever played with! Glad I didn't get rid of it! It was so fun to take her into Petco and buy her a pink collar with polka dots and a matching leash! PINK! My first girl! We are crazy about her and plan to take her everywhere with us. She likes us too! We have both gotten a complete face wash already. So she is pretty much fetching and we are working on sitting. She comes very well when called! We are gonna swing by Petco for some more toys. Then we will go for a little walk on leash. She seems to have adjusted to that quickly also! She already has found my slipper. What a hoot! It is as big as she is!
I hope that I have put your mind at ease, somewhat. I don't blame you for worrying. She couldn't have parents that love her more! She did good riding in the car too! By the time we got her kennel and went to Petco it was almost 9:00 when we got home!
She was very lucky to have spent the first 7 weeks with you and your family. It shows how much you all cared for her.
I will call my Vet. Clinic to find out when they suggest she come in for a check up.
You have sent me some very good information, thank you! And thank you for Lexi!!!